Monday, October 20, 2008

Morning Scene - Aqua

Across the street from my workplace is the construction site for the new building called “Aqua”. This soon-to-be 87 story structure is just about the most unique building I’ve ever seen; certainly in Chicago. Each balcony has a different design, thus giving the whole structure an undulating effect.

It will be a combination of retail stores, offices and condominiums. The architect is Jeanne Gang.

Here’s what it will look like when completed.


  1. This design is TOO COOL! This building will be famous.

  2. Morning Scene is still my favorite of your blogs ~ and this one is no exception. Thanks

  3. Speck: I thought you'd appreciate this building!

    Barb: That's great to hear, that you enjoy the morning scenes. Thanks for letting me know!
