Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Goodbye, Peoria

I'll be leaving the sweet little city of Peoria in a little while and heading down to Springfield for two days.

I'll be SO glad to be back in my own apartment after that.

While growing up in my little bitty home town in Texas, I would have been thrilled to venture to a city like Peoria. Really, I would have.

I was sixteen when I had taken my first trip to New York City as part of a theatre tour with the American Thespian Society. Of course, that was incredibly exciting for me, for I had hardly ever been outside the state of Texas at that point, much less to New York.

On the way up there (by bus) we first went to a theatre workshop at Ball State University in Muncie Indiana for some reason. The thing was, I was very excited over getting to be in Muncie Indiana.

Really. It was a big city compared to my little bitty hometown and it was also sooooo far up north compared to south Texas

I thought that maybe, someday, I'd get to live in a city up north like Muncie.

Imagine how thrilled I would have been over Peoria.

Anyway, here is one last photo. Obviously, this used to be the county courthouse. (Now the courthouse is in a sleek, modern building -- boo.)

An autumn day in downtown Peoria. . .


  1. * CORRECTION * THIS historic building is the (see Wikipedia) Peoria City Hall. It NEVER used to be the County Courthouse. Which is two blocks away. But, You're excused for not being that familiar with the area.

  2. * CORRECTION * THIS historic building is the (see Wikipedia) Peoria City Hall. It NEVER used to be the County Courthouse. Which is two blocks away. But, You're excused for not being that familiar with the area.
