Monday, September 29, 2008

Pretty Pictures of Food

One of the many things I love about Chicago is that you can find just about any type of food you want. Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve enjoyed foods from different places. A lot.

I think that’s because there was no foreign food available in my little-bitty hometown in Texas; that is, unless you count a “parfait” at the local Dairy Queen as French cuisine. There was one Chinese restaurant in the next little-bit-bigger town, but that was about it.

In Chicago, there’s an Indian section of town chocked full of Indian, Pakistani and Kashmiri restaurants. Even the main street through that section of town (Devon Ave.) is somehow always clogged with traffic, reminiscent of inner-Calcutta.

So, on Saturday morning, my friend Jack called and woke me up at the crack of dawn (9:00 am) asking if I wanted to join him and Steve at one of our favorite Indian places, a restaurant called Tiffin.

Tiffin features a gorgeous lunch buffet on weekends. I’d never pass that up. The idea of going there for lunch roused me pretty easily.

And, of course, I took photos:


  1. Oooo...looks pretty...

    And YUMMY! :)

  2. Oh. Yum.

    Next trip you'll take me there, right?

  3. Lorraine: It's a date. As always, bring your appetite.

  4. Oh, my darling husband would love this ~ Me, not so much!
