Tuesday, September 16, 2008


My brother is an engineering manager with a large cell phone company in Texas. He and lots of staff and big 18-wheelers were called out to provide emergency services in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike.

He sent these photos yesterday of damaged cell towers.

Boats being hurled into cell phone towers are not good for them.
Hurricane-force winds are not conducive to cell phone towers remaining upright.

Remember when we all got our first cell phone “for emergency purposes only?”

Now, we cannot imagine living without them. I sure feel for all the folks in southeast Texas. It’s really horrible down there.


  1. I've got some family down there as well but all have reported in and are fine ~ a few are minus power but staying with those that do. Amazing pictures. Thanks.

  2. I'm sure the loss of cell phone signals is probably the LEAST of their worries right now, right? :)
