Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Storms in Chicago

Earlier tonight, I had just gotten home from the gym when a super-sized thunderstorm hit. This wasn't any old storm, no siree. The wailing of tornado sirens began pealing out across downtown Chicago.

I headed to the center stairwell of the building. I could hear loud banging on the outside of the building.

Then, people began hurrying down the stairs so I joined the entourage. Down, down, down, forty nine stories.

We waited in the lower level lobby until things cleared up. Later, the Weather Channel mentioned that this was the first time the tornado sirens had been sounded in downtown Chicago in a long, long time.

Now, another wave of storms has hit and I'm on my wireless laptop in my bathroom. It's in the center of the building so I feel safe. But it's awfully noisy outside.

I'm also watching live weather radar on www.noaa.gov so I can know when the nasty thunderstorm has passed and I can safely emerge from my bunker.

I'm just so amazed that my laptop can get a signal here, but it's pretty cool.


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Sounds like it was a wild night in Chicago! Here's a link which quotes a resident of Marina Towers.


  2. Wow! I just can't even imagine ~ and I live in Hurricane valley Florida. Glad you are safe.

  3. It was freakin' scary, dude! We didn't leave our apartment, but I had my flashlight, inhaler, and bottle of water ready, just in case! :)

  4. Anonymous9:43 PM

    And where was your bunker? On the first floor? Go there next time and be safe....buddy.
