Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Amish in the City

Tonight on ABC, there will be a documentary on the Amish called The Outsiders that I’m really looking forward to seeing.

I’ve often found myself very interested in religious sects like the Amish; those that somewhat isolate themselves from the world. I suppose that was one of the appeals of joining a monastery fifteen years ago.

I was also in contact with the last remaining Shaker community for a number of years. There are only four members remaining and the elder of the community is a fellow about my age and we used to write to each other quite a bit. It was fascinating.

On Tuesdays during the summer and autumn months, there’s a farmer’s market in the plaza near my workplace. I walk through it every Tuesday morning and usually buy something.

There’s a small group of Amish women that are always there selling their homemade egg noodles. And, even though it’s not on my diet, I cannot pass up homemade egg noodles made by Christian women.

They also sell apple butter and honey. I started to buy some apple butter since buying apple butter from the Amish seemed like just the thing to do. Then I remembered that I’m not particularly fond of apple butter.

In the fall, they sell Honey-Crisp apples from their orchard which I really look forward to. Fresh Honey-Crisp apples right off the tree are THE most delicious apples you’ve ever eaten.

The women are always so friendly and ever so willing to chat about their noodles. They always ask, “How do you like to prepare them?” I usually say, “Just with a little butter and parmesan cheese.” Then they always say, “Have you tried them in chicken stock?”

It’s very apparent that the Amish serve their homemade egg noodles in chicken stock. These heavenly women are hell-bent on getting the world to eat their homemade egg noodles in chicken stock.

I think one of these days, when they ask me how I like to prepare them, I’m going to say, “Oh, I like them in chicken stock. You should try it.”

And then they will dance about with unabated mirth and glee.

I started to take a photo of them this morning, but then remembered that Amish don’t like to have their photographs taken; something having to do with graven images. I doubt that these particular Amish women come from a group that is very conservative, after all, they’re in the middle of a big city every Tuesday. But I didn’t want to take any chances.

I’ll keep you posted on the chicken stock thing.


  1. Oh you are *such* a bad boy, toying with the Amish ladies and their chicken stock passion like that. I wonder what unabated Amish mirth and glee looks like...a wry smile?

  2. Anonymous10:42 PM

    You should have told them that you like to prepare them in the microwave while in an air-conditioned apartment watching digital cable on a flat screen.

    See? Evil.

  3. I LOVES me some Honey Crisp apples! Let me know when the Amish ladies start selling them! :)

  4. I love those Amish women. And JP is going to hell.
