Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Beagles Rule

I have to admit that I got teary-eyed when Uno, the beagle, won Best in Show at the Westiminster Kennel Club Dog Show last night.

Yesterday, I posted that a beagle hasn't won Best in Show since 1939.

Correction: A beagle has never won Best in Show. It hasn't been since 1939 that a beagle won Best in Group.

Uno also snatched the title away from two foo-foo poodles, elitist bitches that they are.

I'm sure that my beagle named Snoopy is smiling from dog heaven right now.

1 comment:

  1. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! That is one cute beagle. I forgot to tell you in yesterdays comments that I love beagles too. I didnt' get to watch the show, so thanks for the update. Now I can be happy.
