Tuesday, January 29, 2008

On the Road Again

I'm on my quarterly expedition around the exciting state of Illinois. The last time I made this trip (three months ago, see? quarterly) it came out to 1,002 miles. That's a lot of driving.

At the moment, I'm at a Hampton Inn somewhere in the middle of the state.

My usual Zip Car wasn't available. I usually take the same one (it's a cute little Scion; sort of like a scaled down SUV type thing). I love that car and have come to think of it as "mine." However, someone probably rented it for a whole hour which made it unavailable for my four-day trek.

So, I'm stuck with a Nissan Vespa . . or Versa. . . Vice Versa. . .whatever it is, it rattles. And it's brand new which makes me not ever want to take it again.

Oh, and the weather is supposed to get blindingly cold again. That should make the road trip fun and exciting.

My new computer arrived yesterday. It's still in the box because I had to get ready for this trip. This weekend will definitely be spent with my new toy. Hopefully, soon, I'll have some original, kick-ass music for you all to purchase on iTunes.

The first thing I want to get done is producing the musical score for Lorraine's hubby's short film. Then, he'll win big prizes at lots in indy film festivals and we'll all make buckets of money and I'll never have to travel to Central Illinois again.

That's the plan anyway.

In the meantime, I have to make a living so I've got to head out to my appointment and then drive to somewhere in Southern Illinois.

I doubt that Barak Obama even knows where I am.


  1. You brought your Scrabble set, right?

  2. I just downloaded the "Once" Soundtrack. Highly recommended.

  3. Thanks, Mouse. The weather is abominable.

    Lorraine: I forgot the Scrabble tiles! And I don't have Tivo!
    Life is tough.

    Eric: I'll check it out.

  4. FYI I did a pretty drastic recut for the opening that I think is much better and added in some titles.

    You are off the hook for the party scene music as I found a fairly ecletic band on MySpace that will license a couple of tunes for that purpose.
    I will send you a new DVD Post Haste.

    And thanks again.

  5. are you snowed in? we are!

  6. Mouse - I'm definitely snowed in. In Kewanee, Illinois. Ugh!
