Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas in South Texas

When I left Chicago, it was bitterly cold, windy and blowing snow.
Now, I'm in South Texas. It's Christmas day, sunny and in the 70's.
Just relaxing by my the pool at my mom's house:
A typical Christmas day in South Texas.


  1. Looks wonderful. Hope you had a great Christmas.

  2. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Hello Buck! I just wanted to pop over and inform you that, having each of us spent holidays with the Thomas family now, respectively, how lucky are we to know them?! Merry Christmas! Also, I bawled like a big sissy pants at Mass. Lorraine told me that I was not alone. (:

  3. That is just sick and wrong.

    The whole 70 degrees by the pool on Christmas thing. Not the stuff Hat said.

  4. Hat: Yeah, I don't think one can attend Mass at the cathedral without shedding a few tears. It's impossible not to.
    We are, indeed, very lucky to know them.
