Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Traditions

You know how I love to talk about food. And ‘tis the season for it.

Thanksgiving traditions are always interesting, especially where food is involved.

My brother makes, hands down, the best turkey you’ve ever eaten. Really. No lie. He and his family live in San Antonio and we’ve had Thanksgiving dinner there the past couple of years. He does a fried turkey, but first injects it with yum-yum juice. (Actually, it’s melted butter pureed with pickled jalapenos and garlic juice.)

That, my friends, is one good turkey. Leftovers? No way. It’s all snarfed down; fingers are licked.

My paternal grandmother made a super-tasty cornbread stuffing that contained ground sausage and jalapenos. Wonderful stuff. My dad and I still make it to this day.

I make Brussels sprouts with bacon and chestnuts that Brussels sprout haters have enjoyed.

We always had macaroni and cheese at our holiday dinners. Once, I made it from scratch, but my family didn’t like it as much as the easy Velveeta cheese concoction. Tradition doesn't die easily.

My cousin, Joanna, doesn’t eat vegetables. At all. Zilch. Except for Del Monte green beans. Subsequently, Del Monte green beans have been on the table for three decades running.

My uncle and I have always loved mince pie. Of course, no one likes mince pie. But each year, I’d always have one just for him and me. It always made him happy.

This year, I’ll be enjoying none of those things. I’m going to be making new memories with dear, sweet Lorraine and her friends and family.

After all, every tradition has a beginning . . .


  1. The Spouse makes a damn fine roast turkey, even without the yum injection. And you'll get your (icky) mince pie. The dressing doesn't involve cornbread. But damn, we are going to have so much fun!

  2. I'm looking very much forward to The
    Spouse's turkey. And The Child's cherry pie and pumpkin pie. (I'll be sure to go bonkers over the homemade pie crust).

    You're right. We're going to have more fun than people should be allowed.

  3. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Hi Jon,
    .I am one of the rare people that likes Brussels sprouts. Honest -- I make them in onions and have them on the side burner of the grill. Have a great Thanksgiving. Larry and Murphy
