Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A "ta-daahh" moment

Well, dear puppies, I’m going to take this opportunity to pat myself on the back here for a little bit.

First, I have to give many, many thanks to Lorraine for letting me know of a writing opportunity for a monthly magazine here in Chicago.

They were seeking writers to write about unique, Chicago-y things. I submitted an article, they liked my stuff and my first article is going to be published in the January issue. And I get a hundred bucks.

I am feeling SO "Carrie Bradshaw" at the moment.

My article was the “inside scoop” on living in Marina City, the apartment building where I live.

I also have to give credit to JP for coming up with the hilarious term “The Balcony of Terror” because I used it without asking him first. I hope he doesn’t sue me.

Okay, I have to go to a photo shoot now.
They’re putting my picture on the side of a CTA bus.


  1. Honey, I am so damn proud of you I could bust. Seriously.

  2. Oh, let's meet for Cosmopolitans at 8. Charlotte will be meeting us later.

  3. Mr. Big just called on my cell phone. He's canceling. Again.
    When will I ever learn?
