Thursday, November 08, 2007

I love my Zip Car

I love this:

The cost of using a Zip Car for my trip around Illinois came to $371.64.

My mileage reimbursement for the 797 miles comes to $386.54.

I came out $14.90 ahead.

That sure beats having to own a vehicle in downtown Chicago (which I would never use) and paying $250.00 a month to park it.

Plus, I don’t have to maintain a car (which I seldom ever did anyway) and Zip Car always keeps new cars on hand and available. My Toyota Scion still had dealer plates on it.

Zip Car rocks!


  1. 1. how do i get one of those for the city?

    2. did you know your neighbor has a blog?

  2. Seriously, as soon as The Child is out of the house I'm so looking into the FlexCar thing here.

    Zip Car sounds cooler.
