Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I wish I could convey what wonderful friends Lorraine has.

Lorraine took me to a friend’s big birthday party on Friday night where I got to meet LOTS of her friends. And there was also someone from Blogopia: Seattle Coffee Girl! She was there with her husband and baby boy. It’s always so fun to meet others from Blogopia.

By the way, Seattle Coffee Girl’s baby is just about the cutest thing ever.

I met The Neighbor within minutes of my arrival and she joined us for Thanksgiving dinner. What a wonderful person to be around! She had made a mince pie for the two of us.

What can I say about The Neighbor?

Smiles and graciousness seem to flow from her effortlessly. I’m so glad I got to spend lots of time with her. She and Lorraine are so lucky to have each other as neighbors.

Everyone should be so lucky.

Now, I’m home. Here is my suitcase, lying, oh so forlorn on the floor where it’ll probably remain for a few days.

So sad . . .


  1. I'm so glad you had a good time, Buck. We'll do it again soon, right?

  2. Anonymous5:54 PM

    (Blush) Buck, you're too kind - I'm just glad to be included in blogopia in any way I can -

    xo nayb

  3. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I was equally enamored of The Neighbour, and all else that I was fortunate enough to encounter in Seattle.

    You and me should write travel brochures, except Lorraine and The Neighbour would probably grow weary of people showing up and wanting to drink wine with them.

  4. Maybe we'd be tired of just anybody showing up, but the two of you are welcome anytime!

  5. Lor: Yes, we'll do it again soon. Your condo in Chicago is always available as well.

    JP: We should just open a blogopia hostel in Seattle. Wouldn't that be cool?
