Sunday, October 07, 2007


It happened so fast.

I was wanting to go out to Seattle to visit Lorraine and family during October for her big 50th birthday. My boss twisted my arm to attend a conference in Orlando instead.

Then, I wanted to spend a long weekend with dear Lorraine and family after that, but I had to hold Nov. 14th open for another possible conference in Washington DC.

All of my family members live in Texas and it's just too difficult to fly down there for Thanksgiving. I usually spend my Thanksgiving holiday alone in Chicago, by myself, eating a turkey pot pie while watching the Science Channel all day.

But yesterday, I sweetly suggested to Lorraine that I could come out there to Seattle during Thanksgiving. Would it be horning in on any family plans if I came out there during the holidays?

Turns out that this was a fantastic plan. The Family was all for it.

Now. How to obtain a flight out to Seattle during the holiday?

At first, the only flight I could obtain would have me returning from Seattle to Chicago via San Francisco on Sunday and taking a red-eye flight for, like, a grillion dollars.

I called my nice boss at home and sweetly asked if I could have off on the Monday after Thanksgiving. I didn't have to remind her that she had asked me to attend the Orlando conference when I wanted to attend Lorraine's birthday in September.

My nice boss thought it would be a great idea for me to take off some extra time to go to Seattle (she really does appreciate me :)

I got a nice direct round trip.
I'll arrive in Seattle at 10:00 am, Thanksgiving morning.

Within hours of this news, Lorraine had rendezvouse'd family and friends. We're exceedingly excited about another blog-union. A happy phone call was made during a fun evening with the Iwanski's to confirm it all. . . .

Rather than having to eat a turkey pot pie by myself, I'll be cooking alongside Lorraine on her superfantastic range, side-by-side, with-and-for people who I love.

I cannot imagine a better holiday.



  1. It is going to be SUPERFANTASTIC!

  2. i really need to hit the lottery

  3. And when you do, Mouse, your room will be waiting.
