Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Robbed of my Belgian Endive

Yesterday at the grocery store, I purchased four Belgian endive. I really like their bitter flavor and their little boat-shaped leaves are perfect for spreads like hummus.

When I got home and was unloading my granny-cart, my endive were missing. Could someone have stolen them while I was walking home? It would have been very easy to do so. I pull the cart behind me and the groceries are out in the open in a big purple insulated grocery bag from Whole Foods Market.

Some homeless person could have just reached in a grabbed whatever was on top. If he did nab my endives, I’ll bet he’s really disappointed.

Sure, it would have been a boon to nab something tasty, like the fried chicken tenders from the deli (which come with a side of “Tater Babies”). But no. He got a plastic bag containing four Belgian endive.

Serves him right.


  1. I'm very sad to hear of the loss of your endive.

  2. You should put up posters aronud the neighborhood.

    Have you seen my endive? Answers to the name "Endive."

  3. Thanks, Lorrain. I'm sure you can relate.

    Iwanski - I'll be canvasing the neighborhood soon. Thanks for the idea.
