Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Tasty Dessert

The Iwanskis are on vacation this week, so I'm looking after their two cats while they're away. So far, it's been pretty non-eventful in that there hasn't been any feline vomit to clean up.
We'll keep our fingers crossed.

Which reminds me. A few years ago, a friend of mine sent this picture to me from her work place. Each year, they have a contest at Halloween to see who can come up with the most creative dessert.

Here is a pic of the winner. It's actually a cake in a kitty litter box. There's a crumb topping, tootsie rolls for a bit of "realism" and it was served with a pooper-scooper. (Click on the pic for a closer look)
Another slice, anyone?


  1. True story...I've been in the presence of such a cake. Disgusting.

  2. Having just come upstairs from cleaning a rather disgusting litter box, all I can say is, "Ew! Ew! Ew!"

    But hey ... for the first time all week, I'd probably say "no" if someone offered me cake, so ... thanks. I guess.
