Sunday, August 19, 2007

Random Blog

It's Sunday morning a little after nine. I must get getting old because I can't sleep late the way I used to. Or maybe it's because I can't stay up the way I used to, so I go to bed early, even on a Saturday night.

Miss Healthypants dropped by yesterday to pick up her keys. She and Iwanski were on vacation for a week and I had been looking in on the cats while they were away. I'm glad they're back.

They have two cats, Hattie and Autumn. Hattie is a fat grey tabby (Really fat) and Autumn is sort of a calico-mix-gone-awry with autumnal colors, thus the name.

Autumn is very friendly and is always there, wanting to cuddle and play. Hattie, well, I never see Hattie when I'm kitty-sitting. She apparently bolts for some obscure hiding place when she hears the key in the door. The only evidence I ever see that she's alive is the abundance of kitty-poo in the kitty-box.
Autumn couldn't possibly make that much kitty-poo on her own. It's kind of comforting in a way to scoop that much cat-poo. It's evidence that Hattie is, indeed, alive and functioning properly.

I try to coax her out of whatever hiding place she's found. I have a little song that I sing while I'm cleaning out the box and tending to them:

My Hattie
My Hattie
My fatty little catty.
You are a splendid pussy-cat
You meow all the day long
My puss-puss
My puss-puss
My happy little puss-puss-puss.

It's a really cute, but she still won't come out.

I think I'm going to go to church this morning. I had a dream last night that I was back in the monastery, so I'm feeling some remnants from the dream. When I do go to church, it's to the Christian Science church a few blocks away. A church service at a Christian Science church is more like a graduate school theology lecture than your usual churchey church-thing. Plus, they have a really nice pipe organ and there's none of that meet-n-greet nightmarish stuff going on. You know, when you have to turn and greet the person next to you.
I hate that.
Everyone hates that.

Let's see. What else.
Oh! In two weeks I'm going home to Texas for a week. I'm flying all the way down to Victoria Texas rather than flying to Austin and driving down. This way, I fly to Houston and then take a little-bitty scary airplane to Victoria. It costs a little more, (and it's scary) but it's soooo convenient. The little-bitty scary airplane practically lands in my mom's back yard.

Okay, it's time to go to church. But you know what? I think I'm going to skip church and go work out instead. I like going to the gym on Sunday mornings because I practically have the whole place to myself.
Everyone else is at church.


  1. Hey Buck, did you get my email?

  2. So you opted for "gay church." All well and good. Altho' when I say "gay church," I almost always mean "brunch."

    I have two fat cats as well. Love 'em. Of course, if they were skinnier, I might feel compelled to work out rather than eat so much g*dd*mn brunch all the time, y'know?

  3. ohhhhh dont get me started on church... another thing I need to blog about this week
