Thursday, August 09, 2007

Just wondering . . .

Do you remember this?

1. Sending your first email and calling the recipient to see if they got it?
2. Your first kiss?
3. Sniffing mimeographed paper at school?
4. Where you were when you learned of the Challenger explosion?
5. Where you were the first time you saw Boy George?
6. What a new pack of Crayloa Crayons smells like?
7. The first time you saw your name in the phone book? (“The phone book’s here! The phone book’s here!”)
8. Using Lotus 1-2-3?
9. Typing on a typewriter?
10. Receiving a telegram?

Can you do this?

1. Divide 224,427 by 365 without a calculator?
2. Sing the national anthem by memory?
3. Sing the theme song to “The Brady Bunch”?
4. Remember one of your credit card numbers?
5. Make an omelet?
6. Drive a car with standard transmission?
7. Point to Bulgaria on a map?
8. Point to Nebraska on a map?
9. Make a dog swallow a pill?
10. Change a poopy diaper?

Just wondering. . . .


  1. Hmmm.

    1. No.
    2. Hm. No. Isn't that odd?
    3. Yes.
    4. No, I was 5.
    5. Who?
    6. Oh, yeah.
    7. I'm not sure my name's been in a phone book yet. Mobile phones...
    8. Huh?
    9. Never.
    10. When did you get one of those? How did you get it?

    1. No.
    2. Maybe.
    3. Ummmm. Yes.
    4. No.
    5. Yes. Ish.
    6. No.
    7. Yes.
    8. No.
    9. I don't know.
    10. Never done it.

  2. Kyle - Telegrams were discontinued about two years ago. All gone.

    I got one when I was in high school once. They were hand-delivered.

  3. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I remember all those things...especially the first kiss, and when the shuttle blew up on my birthday. As far as the questions, yes on all except Bugaria and just to be sure, I actually did the math. You are vicious! It went out to 8 decimal places!

  4. Yeah, Bro, and it probably only took you ten seconds to do it too.

  5. 1.No.
    2-6. Yes.
    7. Yes. And I also remember buying my first phone. Black. Rotary dial. Because, hello, that's all there was, dial-wise.
    8-9. Yes.
    10. Yes. My folks sent me a telegram on my 21st birthday.

    1. Not even.
    2. Yes.
    3. Yes.
    4. No.
    5. Yes and a damn fine one, too.
    6. Badly.
    7. Not really.
    8. Yep. And wave at the little dot that's Omaha at the same time.
    9. Nope. And I have the scars to prove it.
    10. Uh...yeah.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Okay, Here are the questions:

    1. Sending your first email and calling the recipient to see if they got it?
    2. Your first kiss?
    3. Sniffing mimeographed paper at school?
    4. Where you were when you learned of the Challenger explosion?
    5. Where you were the first time you saw Boy George?
    6. What a new pack of Crayloa Crayons smells like?
    7. The first time you saw your name in the phone book? (“The phone book’s here! The phone book’s here!”)
    8. Using Lotus 1-2-3?
    9. Typing on a typewriter?
    10. Receiving a telegram?

    Can you do this?

    1. Divide 224,427 by 365 without a calculator?
    2. Sing the national anthem by memory?
    3. Sing the theme song to “The Brady Bunch”?
    4. Remember one of your credit card numbers?
    5. Make an omelet?
    6. Drive a car with standard transmission?
    7. Point to Bulgaria on a map?
    8. Point to Nebraska on a map?
    9. Make a dog swallow a pill?
    10. Change a poopy diaper?

  8. Lorraine:
    My younger brother is like your George Clooney: He is brilliant and can do anything.
    My telegram informed me of my draft status.
    7: I was hoping you'd get the "Steve Martin" reference.
    5. We'll have to make an omelet-making competition judged by Eric, Nayb, and the Child. I'm sure you'll win.

  9. I ignored the Steve Martin reference. What with my bleeding, broken heart still mending and all.
