Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Uncle Booger

During the 4th of July party with Lorraine, Iwanskis, and City Mouse and their families, I mentioned that my parents gave me the middle name of Buckner so that I could be called Buck. (my last name is Wheat, by the way). So, growing up, I was Buck Wheat until I left for college. When I go home, I'm Uncle Buck to my nieces and nephews.
Cute, huh?

But growing up, I'd often hear my grandmother, Budgie, reminiscing about her cousin who everyone called "Uncle Booger." I never did learn what Uncle Booger's name actually was. But I can still recall my grandmother, remembering him very fondly:

"Oh, Booger. Dear, sweet sweet Booger. . . "

I'll have to call my mom and see if she can shed any light on Uncle Booger.
And how he got that name.

1 comment:

  1. We want the answer to that question. And you'll be happy to know that we say "dear, sweet Booger" all the time now. Except when we say, "Dear, sweet, Buck...we sure do miss him".
