Sunday, July 08, 2007

It's Hot

Have I mentioned how much I hate hot weather? It was hot yesterday and I opted out of a nice dinner date just because it would have involved a ride on the EL and an eight block walk. I had food delivered and watched TV instead. That's so sad.

I put away the deck chairs into my storage locker yesterday. Most people put their deck chairs out for the summer. Not me. I'm not about to sit on the balcony until September when things cool down again.

I remember back in Toronto where Celsius temperatures are used, if it ever got above 30 C, (87 F) it was hot. 30 degrees was the cut-off point between being warm and hot.

I still use that benchmark in the back of my mind. Anything above 87 F and I'm pretty much inside, hibernating in the air conditioning. Until autumnal temperatures give me a signal that I can reappear, I'm pretty much confined to my den of air conditioned safety.

I don't know how people lived before air conditioning, especially in the South. They must have been awfully grumpy; I would have been. Before electricity, they didn't even have fans.
The mind reels.

I'm thinking about vacation plans for next year. Iceland sounds awfully appealing.
Reykjavik in January.
My kinda place.


  1. It makes me sad to think of the Balcony of Terror sans deck chairs.

  2. They'll be back on the B of T when you are, dear. I'll get a swinging hammock for JP.
