Monday, July 23, 2007

It's actually going to happen. . .

As you can see, construction has begun on the new "Chicago Spire." When completed in 2010, it will stand 2,000 feet tall and have 150 stories. It'll be the tallest building in North America.

The condos go on sale in September. Instead of living on the 49th floor as I do now, I can live on the 149th floor.
I've always been fascinated with skyscrapers, so this will provide me with at least three years of entertainment as it goes up. It doesn't take much. "Oooo. Shiny things...."
And it will dwarf Donald Trump's 94-story Trump Tower which is only ninety-four stories. What a wimp.


  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    This is so cool! I love architecture and so will be very excited to see it happen. Can you see the construction from the Balcony of Terror? How exciting if you can!

    xo nayb

  2. Anonymous12:13 AM

    I want to be happy about this building, I really do. But it just doesn't look like it belongs there. Or anywhere.

    Still, 3 years is pretty fast for something that tall. Where are we at with the new World Trade Center(s)?

  3. Good Lord! How high does a buildin' need to be!

    Huggs, etc...

  4. Nayb - no, it's on the opposite side from my B of T. But it's still exciting.
    JP - I'll admit, it looks pretty strange. But there are a number of REALLY strange skyscrapers going up right now so maybe it'll fit in.
    Bunny - it's all about the $$ baby.

  5. I'm with JP. I have a hard time imagining such a thing on the Chicago skyline. And you know, I care about these things now.
