Thursday, July 19, 2007

Horrible Nasty Offensive Dogs

I passed by the Vietnam memorial on the way to work this morning and noticed this sign. Am I missing something here? Apparently, Vietnam veterans find dogs horribly offensive and don't want them sullying their memory.
I can see why it might be inappropriate for a dog to lift his leg on the memorial, but that can easily be averted with a little forethought. Geez!
Apparently, the possibility of dogs disrespecting the memory of Vietnam vets is so serious that it requires 24-hour surveillance.
Our taxes, hard at work.
Who are these people that surveille this place? I can just see one of those surveillance guys now, out on a first date:
His date: "So, what do you do for a living?"
Guy: "Oh, I make sure that dogs don't go near the Vietnam memorial. I used to be in charge of the Calvin Coolidge memorial, but I got promoted last year."
If I were a veteran, I assure you I would want Portia and her essence around my memorial. Anyone who's met Portia can back me up on that.


  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Hmmm... apparently dogs are the ONLY thing being monitored. Terrorists, vandals, etc are completely allowed.

    And I suppose this means that blind people will be unable to go near the monument, not that they'd have been able to see anything if they did.

  2. Anonymous9:49 PM

    i got your back on this one. portia's cool. especially that happy waggy doggy tail.

  3. When I went to Washington DC, I was real disapointed to find that the Statue of Liberty had been removed for cleanin' that week. Oh well, maybe next time...

    Huggs, etc...

  4. This is me...with Stacy...backing you up on the Portia thing.

  5. jp: according to the ADA, a blind person could sue if they weren't allowed to take their service dog. They could sue big time.

    Stacy & Lorraine: I'll convey your happy regards to Miss P. wag-wag-wag
