Monday, June 11, 2007

Time Flies

Halloween, Dallas Texas, 1987
I stopped by my friend, Danny's, apartment to see what he's up to for Halloween.
In the middle of the living room of his apartment, he's constructed a cardboard water well about five feet in diameter, complete with realistic looking stones painted on the outside. It even had a wooden winch and crank on the top of it.
Danny's a big guy. Really big. And the funniest person I've ever known. He still is.
For example, once I was baking bread and he had stopped by. I explained to him that I was kneading the dough, then I'd let it rise and then knead it again.
Danny begins singing the hymn, I Need Thee Every Hour. . . .
Later, I banged my head really hard on a kitchen cabinet I'd left open. Looking very alarmed, he said, "Oh my god, you'll never be able to play in A-flat again!"
Danny comes up with stuff like that all the time. He really has the quickest wit of anyone I've ever known. We've been friends for almost 25 years now.
So, I wasn't surprised to see a big cardboard water well in his living room for Halloween (this was twenty years ago).
"Danny, what's this big water well for?" I queried.
He showed me a big diaper. He was going to wear the water well and go as Baby Jessica. . . .
Danny, Danny, Danny. . . .
Baby Jessica McClure Morales is now 21 and recently appeared on the Today show.


  1. That's sick. Fortunately, it's also HILARIOUS.

  2. OMFG!!!! I cant believe im laughing this hard at 7 AM~

  3. I'm so glad I'm not drinking soda of any variety right now.

  4. One should never drink soda of any kind around Danny.
