Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy Birthday, Miss Healthypants

Today is a joyous occasion.

Back in the mid-1950's Mr. and Mrs. Healthypants of Smalltown Wisconsin gave birth to a cute little girl.

She was nice, but not quite right. So they tried again.

Still not right.

They kept at it, faithfully, until the eighth try!

And there she was! A cute little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Awwwww!" said everyone.

Then they all left to watch the The Brady Bunch. (The episode where Marsha got hit in the nose with a football.)

Mr. and Mrs. Healthypants knew they finally got it right and could stop trying.

When it came time for Little Miss Healthypant's first feeding, she asked if a side-salad could be substituted for formula. And extra dressing on the side.

It's been that way ever since. . . .

Happy Birthday, Pood.

Love ya lots.


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Bwa ha ha ha! I love ya', too, dooder! "For her first feeding, she asked if a side-salad could be substituted for formula."--*LOL*! You CRACK me up, dooder! :)

    I'm SO lucky to have a friend like you!!--you ROCK!!!! :)


    Poodle :)

  2. Tee! Happy birthday, again, MHP!
