Friday, April 20, 2007

El Delay

I was on the “El” here in Chicago the other day, coming home on the Brown Line. There’s a section where the Brown Line intersects with the Red and Purple lines just before entering the Belmont station. The Belmont station is under construction so they’ve got one of the four tracks closed down. Needless to say, there’s quite a bit of train congestion going on there.

The train stopped, the bell that alerts the passengers chimed and the pre-recorded announcement came on:


“Attention passengers. We are experiencing a delay due to signaling problems ahead. We will be moving shortly. Thank you for your patience.”

About thirty seconds later:


“Attention passengers. We are experiencing a delay due to signaling problems ahead. We will be moving shortly. Thank you for your patience.”

Another thirty seconds go by. Passengers are mumbling.


“Attention passengers. We are experiencing a delay due to signaling problems ahead. We will be moving shortly. Thank you for your patience.”

Passengers are whipping out their cell phones. Thirty seconds more:


“Attention passengers. We are experiencing a delay due to signaling problems ahead. We will be moving shortly. Thank you for your patience.”
More restlessness ensued.


Finally, the conductor came on and made the following announcement:

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have been cleared to enter the Belmont station. Please make sure your seats are in their upright positions, your tray tables are secured and all carry-ons are placed under your seats or in the overhead compartments. We will be landing shortly.”

There was applause.

Good for him!


  1. I love that conductor.

  2. Anonymous7:39 PM

    That is too cool! *smiles*


    MHP :)
