Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Porn Names

I'm sure you've all heard this.

If you were going to be a porn star, do you know how to select a name? It goes like this:

For guys: Take your middle name, then the name of a previous street you lived on (unless it's a numbered street)

For gals: Take the name of the last female pet you had, then the name of a previous street you lived on (unless it's a numbered street)

For example, my cousin, Shannon, would be:
"Sheba Marblehead"

Her sister, Joanna, would be:
"Lola Baumann"

My brother would be:
"Bradley Sunnyside"

My sister would be:
"Fifi Benton"

See? It really works!

Mine would be . . . drum roll . . . . .

Buck McMaster

Isn't that great??
It almost makes me want to change professions.

I don't know what Miss Healthypants and Iwanski would be, but we're meeting for dinner tonight and I'll find out.

Try it!

What would yours be??


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I like mine the other way around....Oak Bradley. Not bad.

  2. Since I missed the dinner, I'll just tell you that mine would be Wally Lamb.

  3. And Miss Healthypants would be Autumn Lake.

  4. Phoebe Terry.

    That's not very porn-y. But then, neither am I.

  5. Charles Huelva.

    If I were in the least bit Latin, it would still kinda suck -- as it is, it's completely ludicrous.

  6. Mine would be Ali Otts Basin - not very catchy at all, but better than Ali Roaring Springs. I've lived in some strange places. If I used my current street, it would be Ali Roundhouse. Pathetic. No future in porn for me.

  7. One of our main streets in Chicago is Ashland Ave.

    Ali Ashland. . .

    My goodness, a star is born . . .
