Sunday, December 31, 2006

I really didn't think I could do it . . . .

You may recall that Santy Claus (my mom) deigned to give me a nice, expensive CD recorder so that I could transfer my mellifluous piano playing onto CD's for her.

My digital piano wasn't compatible with the recorder, even after three phone calls to Sony. I tried, I really, really tried, but couldn't get the two things compatible. Even though my digital piano cost a mintillion dollars, that was back in 1991 and the two just weren't compatible.

Then I bought and tried three new programs that were supposed to transpose analog-to-MP3 files, but for some God-known reason, nothing would register. Nothing.

I went onto eBay and got a new 17-inch flat-panel monitor. I won the bidding out of 19 people in the last 20 seconds! Then the monitor came without a power cord. I had to have the new monitor so that I could get rid of the old clunky monitor that set on a side desk. Getting rid of the side desk would enable me to move my digital piano in its place next to my computer desk.

Now, you KNOW your apartment is small when a flat-paneled computer monitor enables an entirely new decorating scheme.

Well, it did. And also two banks of track lighting, so my little-bitty apartment is even more fab.

(Yes, I just said "fab" but it was with a Texan accent).

I walked up to CompuServe for a power cord. The said Radio Shack would have it. They did, but it was forty-eight bucks and they said to call the manufacturer which was Dell.

I was all set to have Dell say, "Sorry, you bought our monitor on eBay and now we won't supply you with a power cord and there are none to be had in this world. You have to give us $300 for a monitor that will work."

They didn't. After much phone calling, I got a power cord for $10.65.

Then I re-arranged ALL my furniture, rugs, electronics after my new flat-panel thingie wouldn't be operational. That's in addition to returning the CD-recorder in a taxi early this morning and purchasing and downloading three new programs.

I also made Lorraine's incredible shallot/olive oil dressing and ate it on everything today: Romaine lettuce, Progresso Minestrone, and a garbanzo/brown rice casserole.

FINALLY! I had given up! I was defeated for the day.

Then I googled "analog to MP3" and I found the Holy Grail of programs. It's called "RipBurnEdit" by Blaze Audio.

It was a slice of heaven. It recognized my piano. It recognized ME. It knew what I wanted to do and transferred every tiny minutae of my playing. (Which was nice, but scary).

It thought ahead and said, "Do you want me to download your lovely piano playing into both MP3 and Windows Media?"

And I crumbled and said, "Oh, God! Yesss!"

By that time I was a wreck. My acid reflux was amok. A fever blister had sprung up. I had become so horribly depressed and despondent. I didn't want to blog, ice skate, or talk to anyone. I didn't even want to binge on Valium-and-carrot juice - - that's how messed up I was over this whole recording deal.

Anyway, this program was wonderful. The first thing I recorded tonight was this Bach fugue that I've been working on (Fugue in G-sharp minor). It's a booger of a thing, really. I just played it straight away and laid down the track, no practicing, no warm-up, just boom. I wanted to get something recorded. So, here it is.

BTW - This piece is usually played at a slower tempo, more languid and somber, but I think it should be played like a march and gradually get more intense.

That's a live recording, quick-n-dirty.

I'm just so damn glad to be able to DO it!

My many thanks go out to the producers of Blaze Audio and their fine "RipEditBurn" product.

Believe me, I've tried many, many analog-to-digital programs and I can highly recommend this one.

I'm on a roll now.

Look out!

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