Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Get Ready . . .

I’m excited.

My new toy for Christmas just arrived and I’m anxious to play with it.

Because I’ve been such a good little boy this past year, Santy Claus brought a CD recorder to me. Now I can play on the piano, record it to CD, transfer it to and MP3 file, post it on a website and link to that website from my blog so that you, my dear readers, can have the divine pleasure of hearing me play.

Is that narcissistic or what?

I don’t care. I think Bach or Beethoven would be awfully amazed that their glorious music is in my sad little hands and about to be broadcast out to you, dear readers.

Now, if I can just figure out how to work the damn thing. . . .


  1. Can't wait to come over and bust out some hiphop lyrics for your recorder.
