Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The skating rink opens today!

I'm excited.

The ice rink near my apartment opens today for the winter season. I absolutely love to skate there after work and on the weekends.

It reminds me of when I was a little kid in my little bitty home town in Texas. Once a year during each summer, a portable skating rink would come to town. As they'd set up the canvas tent and wooden skating surface, I'd just be beside myself waiting for the first day it would open. It was just a few blocks from our house, so I'd go every chance I'd get.

I'd rent my little roller skates and just be a little bandit out there. Of course, this was Texas in the summer time, so you'd really work up a sweat. I'd take a break, gulp down an icy cold Grape Nehi from a bottle (remember those?) and whizz back out on the rink for as long as my dad or mom would let me. I remember that the rink had this tinny-sounding music playing over the loudspeaker, usually On the Bayou.

Jambalya, crawfish pie, me-o, my-o . . .

So, today I feel like I'm six years old again. I'll get to go skating again later today after work. Instead of a wooden skating surface under a canvas tent in a small town, it's on ice under "The Bean" sculpture at Millenium Park. Instead of pausing with a Grape Nehi, it'll be a latte at Starbuck's. The details have changed but the feeling remains the same.

It's good to be a kid again.


  1. Have fun. Don't break anything.

  2. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Hi LT - I lived in Michigan for a year when I was 10 and my mom froze a small ice rink in the backyard for me by bringing a hose up through a window in the basement. I felt like an Ice Capades princess! The city would also freeze over the basketball courts at the park down the street so we could skate there. Haven't been in many years but am eyeing the possibilities this year at the Seattle Center downtown where a rink is installed every Christmas season. It would make me feel 10 again!

    XO the neighbor

  3. Nothing is more awesome that the sight of a six-foot-five Texan ice skating to Abba.
