Sunday, October 08, 2006

Just for Bunny-Lynn

While shopping with The Hag yesterday, I couldn't help but notice these shoes. When I saw them, I immediately thought of Bunny Lynn Boofay from the Oak Ridge Trailer Park. Thank the Lord I had my digital camera with me in my back-pack 'cause I'd just hate to pass this up. Hopefully, Miss Bunny will get a whiff of these shoes and come over here to say hello to us all.

I highly advise keeping a digital camera with you 'cause you never know when you might come across a little jewels such as these.

BTW - if'n y'all want a good laugh, be sure to take a look at her site.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Them's some rite fine lookin sandulls to be sur'n an' I may need to git me a par afor 4th o Jooleye gits here!
