Monday, September 18, 2006

On the Way to Work

It's a simple ten-block walk from my apartment to work.
Today, I took my camera with me and was pleasantly surprised to learn how many fun things there are on the way. (click on pic for larger view)

This looks awfully boring. I screamed and waved at them from the bridge but they wouldn't wave back.

Donald Trump's new building.
Eighty more floors to go.
He better be a nice neighbor.

The "UFO" Church
(Seventeenth Church of Christ, Scientist)

I'd love to party with a woman named "Filene"

I've got to find out what a "Helluvaburger" is.

Under the EL

Curb your Chihuahua!

At work with my 2-liter "Ultimate Gulp"
Refills are only a dollar.


  1. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Trump's building doesn't look much taller than when we were there in may.

    Is the Red Fish on your way to work? You should take a picture of that. It's my happy place.

  2. The Red Fish is across the street from me. I've never been there. Is it good? The Iwanski's and I are always on the lookout for happy places.

  3. I'd love to party with a woman named "Filene"

    Especially in her basement...

  4. I have been to Redfish and I did not like it. I've read a lot of bad reviews too.

    Still, I bet they do good oysters and drunkeness.
