Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Funniest Blog EVER!

I just love it when I find a blog that makes me laugh out so loud that I almost peed a little. Almost peeing a little is one of my favorite things to do. I recently came across this hilarious site about a woman named Bunny Lynn who lives in a trailer house with her "poodle-dog" named King Louis the 15th. In Bunny Lynn's world of fashion, "leopard" is a neutral color and hair rollers are perfectly acceptable fashion accessories. Bunny Lynn can often be seen with her friend, Phyllis, at the Wal Mart which thankfully supplies scooter-chairs.

So, in honor of dear Bunny Lynn, I give you my

"Wedding Rehersal Day Chicken al'Orange"

1 Roastin' Chicken

1 Jar of Tang Instant Breakfast Drink

1 circular saw

Preheat oven to 425

Rub your chicken with as much Tang as will stay on. Put your chicken in a good-sized roastin' pan and roast until Tang becomes nice and crispy. It carves real nice with a circular saw.

Serving Suggestion: It's real good with Rice-a-Roni and Pilsbury crescent rolls.


  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Bunny Lynn is fabulous. I'll be going there frequently.

  2. So making that for 4th of July next year!

  3. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Hey Darlin', thank you so much for all your lovely words of kindness. Me an' King Louis the 15th were truly humbled...An' I have to say how excited I was to find you was a gormet cook just like me! I'll be tryin' that recipie real soon.

    Huggs, etc... Bunny Lynn

  4. Bunny Lynn -- Lord, I can't SAY how proud I was to show my friends that you'd in-deed liked my recipe. My girls at the Wal-Mart Rascal Club will be all giggled-up that we'd heard from the famous Bunny Lynn.
    I always say, if a packet of Instant-whatever can transform a meal while visitatin' on the porch, then that's a good thing. If you don't believe it, then just try dry-rubbin some chicken-thighs with Kool-Aid Tropical Punch, bake at 400 and serve over Minute Rice for a Kon-Tikki exotic type of dinner. Flame it all with some Bacardi, but make sure your poodle-dog hasn't started in on the leftovers just yet.

    I love ya more than I can stand, darlin'

