Sunday, August 06, 2006

What the hell are they DOING down there??

Across the street from my apartment building is a construction site where a new eighty-one story luxury condo/hotel is going up.

The thing is, I've seen no evidence of it going up.

There are pictures of the new building all around the site of what it will look like. There's even a number to call if you want to buy one of their luxury condos that aren't even there yet. They range from $625,000 to 7.5 million which will make my building seem like a slum.

For the past four months I've heard construction going on, but have yet to see any evidence of condos. They have this one very loud machine that goes ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk all day long that's just about to drive me insane. It goes something like this:

ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . .

Pause . . .

. . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . .

Next day:

. . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . .

Next month:

. . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . .

Four months later:

. . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . . ka-chunk . .

One would think that after four months of ka-chunking that there'd be something there, but no. The site looks just the same as when it began as evidenced by this pic I took this morning.

I understand that an 81 story building requires quite a bit of foundation work. However, on the other side of my building, Donald Trump's new 94 story building is shooting up in the sky with no ka-chunking going on.

If this continues I'm just going to have to visit the site and ask them what the hell they're doing down there.

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