Sunday, August 06, 2006

"I . . .Wanna Rock and Roll All Night. . . "

I just read where there are a bunch of protesters in front of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, hoping to get the rock group, Kiss, inducted. Remember Kiss? I sure do. I totally support this endeavor.

Picture this:
1975, San Antonio, Texas. My first rock concert. I was a pimply faced geeky, gangly kid who was totally obsessed with Kiss. I had both of their 8-Track tapes (stop laughing!) My buddy and I had persuaded his Dad to chaperone us to a Kiss concert in San Antonio which was about eighty miles from where we lived. God, I was excited.

We got there and I was disappointed to see that we had to listen to a back-up band before Kiss came on stage. Rats. Of course, it was some band that no one had ever heard of. They were from Seattle, of all places.

The back-up band came out and they were pretty good. Really good, as a matter of fact. The more they played, the more I liked them. I can still see the lead female singer who was wearing a mid-length blue dress with white polka dots and knee-high leather boots. She could sing! She rocked! I was just mesmerized and thinking, "This band is gonna make it big."

I can't say that I even remember Kiss playing, but I sure do remember that back-up band.

Can you guess who it was?

It was Heart. The singer was Ann Wilson.

Needless to say, I'm still a big fan.


  1. Well, of course it was Heart, you silly rabbit. '75 would have had them playing stuff from "Dreamboat Annie", which was released in '76. Still one of the best records EVER.

  2. I can still see Ann belting out "Crazy On You" in that blue dress. It was soooo cool!
    Yes, I agree. That is one of the best albums ever. It's on my iPod.

  3. Barracuda is the purest example of what a hardcore pulsing, rolling guitar sound can do to rock the listener.
