Thursday, June 08, 2006

Jhirmack Hair

I was cleaning out files and pics and found this really cool pic of moi from college. It's a pic that was featured in the campus paper while I was performing in a (are you ready for this?) in a talent show in my dorm.

I lived in Butler Hall which was THE first co-ed dorm on campus back in '79. Co-ed living was a very radical experiment back in Texas in '79.

Frankly, we were all just all a bunch of nerds, closet-cases and vegetarians who wanted to live on the opposite side of campus away from the jocks, sluts, and druggies. .

Butler Hall, I'm proud to say, still exists to this day.


  1. Ahhhh....

    Remember what you were playing?

  2. Yes! It was "Take a Pebble" by Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Ever heard of it?

  3. Nope. But it goes with the hair.
