Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Hag

In recent blogs, I've mentioned "The Hag." As dear Lorraine put it, this in no way refers to her being haggard or repulsive. It doesn't. Quite the opposite.

To describe all the qualities of The Hag would involve volumes of socio-anthropological-bio-psycho-sexual studies spanning centuries of experience by philosophers, theologians and socio-scientists. Not to mention many talk-show hosts, colonic therapists, and Tom Cruise.

Here we are on my 49th floor balcony. She and Iwanski live one block away on the 21st floor, but she's terrified of heights. I can understand that. My balcony is 10' x 20', hangs over the river five-hundred feet below and my gonads still need an anti-depressant when I walk to the edge of my balcony. It's a pretty cool balcony, though.

My Hag just had a birthday yesterday. I won't say what her age is, only because it's younger than mine. But we've known each other for over five years now and she has truly earned her Hag Points.

I have to say that this would, indeed, be a perfect world if The Hags governed everything. . . .


  1. I miss being a Hag. I used to have several gays on retainer. One, whose last name was Blue was my "something blue" at our wedding. Whenever someone would ask to see my "something blue" I'd point to R, who was usually schmoozing with one of my other gays. The Spouse and I were introduced by one of my gays. Sigh. Mind you, I still have friends who are gay, but they are either married or live far away and so I don't really hag for them like I used to. Good times. I'm happy for you and "Grace".

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Awwww, now I'm ver-klempt! (However the heck you spell that word!) *grin*

    Lorraine, I think Jonathan and I can agree to you being an "honorary hag"--what do you think, Jonathan?? *hee hee*

  3. Awww, Hag, that is so sweet...

  4. Lorraine, leave it to you to use "hag" as a verb. Love it. Yes, Lorraine is definitely an honorary hag. And a Hag-by-Proxy.

  5. I wish I had something to say, but I'm awkward.
