Monday, November 28, 2005

Baylor Senior "Bummed Out" by Sloe Gin Request

Waco Texas Senior finance major, Jarrell Bradbury, reported that he was "totally bummed out" when his date ordered a Sloe Gin Fizz after she had finally agreed to meet him at a local hangout, Just For Grins, off campus.
"Man! This sucks!" reported Bradbury.
"I'd been sitting next to this chick in my Bus-stats 305 class all semester long. It was, like, the second time I had to take it and she was totally in to me 'cause I was telling her what to expect on the tests and all."

"I was all, 'hey, I can give you some answers on the next Logic Exam', and she seemed to be totally cool with that. Next thing I know, this chick's suggesting we meet for a pitcher of Sangria at Grin's and I'm thinkin' 'Woah',
Man, no-one's ever invited me for a pitcher of wine at Grin's.
"My friends in Butler Hall were all, 'you're gonna get some tonight, dude!!"

I met her at Grin's and she was totally cool. I suggested that we order a pitcher of Sangria but she totally freaked and asked the waitress for a "Sloe Gin Fizz." Man, that drink cost me $6.75 and she kept ordering "Sprite" after that."

"When I tried walking her back to my place, she kept asking me, "Kno'm Say'n?" after every phrase. After I kept repeating, "No, I'm sorry, I don't know what you're saying," she finally piled into old blue Celica and I never saw her again."

I learned my lesson tonight, let me tell you. If some chick ever orders a Sloe Gin Fizz, just know that you won't be registering anyone in your dorm room that night.

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